Memory Loss: When Should I be Concerned?

Memory Loss: When Should I Be Concerned?

You may be worried about taking longer than before to learn new things, or how now and then you forget something important. When are memory issues age-related, and when should you be concerned? We have some general guidelines to help you sort it out. Dementia is not Age-Related. It’s not uncommon that it gets harder …

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The connection between diet and memory loss

The Connection Between Diet and Memory Loss

Growing data supports the connection between diet and memory loss. Just like some foods have brain boosting qualities, some also negatively affect them. We’re taking a deeper look into this connection and giving you the top foods to eat, including ones to avoid. Diet and Memory Loss A healthy brain relies on a steady flow …

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How to honor Alzheimer's and Brain Awareness Month

How to Honor Alzheimer’s & Brain Awareness Month

Creativity and passion fuel Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month, which takes place in June. Communities worldwide unite through various events and activities to raise funds and awareness for the care, support, and research efforts of the Alzheimer’s Association. Together, they fight the darkness of Alzheimer’s disease (AD), which globally affects 50 million people. Light up …

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Stay sharp into the elder years

Staying Sharp into the Elder Years

One key component of aging well is ensuring your memory stays sharp. A good memory that remembers vivid details, can quickly recall names, can make favorite foods without a recipe and can help you feel young, even as you mature in age. Minor memory loss is a normal part of aging, but it can be …

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Beyond Sadness: A Deeper Look into Depression

Beyond Sadness: A Deeper Look into Depression

Sadness is a feeling you get when you experience loss, complicated situations, and other disappointments in life. Everyone gets sad from time to time, but the feelings go away quickly, and you move on. Depression is a mood disorder that is often confused with sadness. However, depression doesn’t usually go away on its own and …

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Depression isn't a state of mind

Depression Isn’t a State of Mind.

Depression is one of the most treatable forms of mental health disorder. For instance, those who seek treatment will almost always get some symptom relief. Unfortunately, only around 1 in 5 who experience depression symptoms seek help. Depression isn’t a state of mind. It is a disorder most will experience at least once in their …

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Myths of Parkinson's

Myths of Parkinson’s

Many misconceptions surround Parkinson’s Disease. Like many other conditions, these false truths can cause a delay in diagnosis and treatment, which can be devastating. Knowing the truth behind the myths of Parkinson’s can ultimately allow you to optimize your care so you can take better care of yourself. The Facts Behind the Myths of Parkinson’s  …

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Pandemic, presents, and Parkinson's

Pandemic, Presents, and Parkinson’s

Caring for a loved one with Parkinson’s disease (PD) during the holidays can be a stressful time. A caregiver may feel pulled in multiple directions as holiday obligations add up on top of regular duties. The holiday spirit may seem lost amongst presents, cookies, and feelings of isolation. Find time for yourself, family traditions, and …

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Caregivers Need Care Too

Caregivers Need Care Too

A family caregiver manages health emergencies, juggles appointments, and personal care of their loved ones. November is National Family Caregivers Month. This year’s theme is “Caregiving Around the Clock.” The essential role they play in others’ health and well-being is the heart of why caregivers need care too. Why Caregiving is Tough A caregiver can …

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Benefits of a memory screen

Benefits of Memory Screening

According to the CDC, as more people live long enough to be at greater risk of dementia, the prevalence of Alzheimer’s disease is estimated to quadruple by 2050. Health officials believe that the rise in numbers directly results from increasing diagnosis thanks to improvements in testing. Memory screens are an essential part of the testing …

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