Approximately 50 million people worldwide are living with. Alzheimer’s disease (AD) or other forms of dementia. June is Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month. The Alzheimer’s Association says that if you have a brain, you are at risk for developing AD. This is the perfect time to create awareness for this public health crisis. The Neuropsychiatric Research Center (NPRC) is helping make advancements in healthcare for those with these conditions. NPRC has conducted over 100 clinical trials dedicated to dementia. Clinical research is one of the many ways we can all help to end AD.
Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month
The purpose of Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month is to raise awareness on a global level about the brain, Alzheimer’s, and other dementias. June also commemorates those living with Alzheimer’s and the caregivers that are vital to their care. June 20th is the summer solstice, and the Longest Day fundraiser is conducted on
that day, raising money to find a cure for AD.
Whether you know someone with AD or not, we can all make a difference and help spread awareness. We encourage your involvement this month. Any of the activities can be modified to meet your local social distancing requirements.
NPRC’s Role in Alzheimer’s Disease and Brain Health
Early intervention of AD and other forms of dementia-related memory loss is an essential component in the treatment of these diseases. Our team at NPRC’s mission is to find effective treatments for these conditions by bringing the best advancements through clinical research studies.

NPRC ensures that all research studies conducted at our facility use the latest diagnostics and treatments available. We do not conduct studies that require subjects to stop taking their current medications. To learn more about upcoming studies looking into new options for AD, please call (239) 939-7777, or visit us here.