The most common geriatric health concerns

Aging and Health Concerns

People are living longer than ever before, according to the CDC. 19.3 years longer, to be exact. The extension of years doesn’t come without work on your part, though. Our bodies drastically change as we age if you think about where they started. All the elements that function day in and day out don’t stay in …

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Combat memory loss

Combat Memory Loss

Ever find yourself standing in the middle of the bedroom wondering what you went in there for in the first place? Don’t worry, most of us have. Forgetting where you put things, and the name of a person you just met is more common as you age. The decreased size of the brain, along with …

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More than a tremor

Parkinson’s: When It’s More Than a Tremor

Involuntary hand movements, or tremors, are common in middle and older age. Each person has a physiological tremor, which is usually not noticeable and is naturally occurring. Tremors are the most acknowledged Parkinson’s disease symptom. They happen in the beginning stages of the disease progression. However, other medical conditions can result in tremors, and each …

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How Technology Can Help Parkinson’s

The movement disorders associated with Parkinson’s can vary with the time of day, stress, and what you eat. Frequency and severity also differ from person to person, making successful management a moving target. What if there was a way to track symptoms and severity levels automatically through a wearable device? Sound too good to be …

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Memory Loss

Everyone has experienced forgetfulness at some point in their lives. You forget where you put your phone or the name of the person you just met. It is an entirely normal part of aging. However, there is forgetfulness that goes beyond lost keys and missing names. Alzheimer’s related memory loss gradually worsens over time, and …

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The brief questionnaire at the link below can help determine if you or a loved one might be at risk of developing a memory disorder where further evaluation may be needed.